Client of the Month: Cheryl’s Journey to “Life Back in Balance”
What were the symptoms/issues that led you to contact the staff at Nourishing Wellness?
I was having hot flashes and PMS symptoms which were impacting my ability to get a good night’s sleep. I would wake in the morning feeling overall sluggishness and lack of energy. I wanted to get my life back in balance!
Through your evaluation, what did Nourishing Wellness Medical Center identify as your issues? Through comprehensive hormone and neurotransmitter testing, Doc Peters found that I had the following issues:
- Suppressed TSH and T4 thyroid levels
- Hormone imbalances including Low DHEA and Cortisol levels which were impacting my adrenals.
- Neurotransmitter imbalances such as low Serotonin, Gaba and Dopamine which were impacting my sleep and my ability to think clearly and in a focused way.
- A very low Vitamin D level
When it comes to the medical care provided by Nourishing Wellness Medical Center, what stands out in your treatment that was most helpful for you?
What stood out the most is the team consistently looking at my whole health picture and not just an individual component. This encompassed medical test results, work/life balance, exercise, nutrition, relationships, etc. They encouraged a holistic strategy including a referral to a great D.O. who helped me with my spinal issues. Once stabilized, they provided constant monitor- ing until successful results were achieved. For example, my thyroid issues are now resolved. My TSH went from .025 up to 2.37 and my T4 improved from .65 to 1.10. In addition, my stress and sex hormones are all back in balance.
What recommendations would you offer to other women who need help with the PMS issues that got you through the tough times?
My sense of humor. I often times found myself having crazy mood swings where one minute I’m crying at an Eggbeater commercial and the next I’m attacking my husband like an out of control pterodactyl! I just had to stop, listen to myself and say I love menopause and all the joys that come with it. Don’t take it seriously try to laugh about it. My favorite part is when a hot flash appears out of nowhere while I am sitting in a meeting and sweat is pouring down my face. Now THAT was a pleasant experience! If anyone noticed I’d make a joke of it and move on.