A whole food diet is the key to a long and healthy life according to the USDA. New recommendations total 12 servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day. Those guidelines are easily met with terrific-tasting, nutrient-rich whole food … [Read more...]
Larry Nelson
Before Larry's Nourishing Wellness Transformation In 2010, Larry Nelson was one of three men named Cenegenics Men of the Year for his dedication to transform his health and mindset. He started this "journey of change" back in March/April of … [Read more...]
A Natural Approach to Hormone Balance
At Nourishing Wellness Medical Center, our goal is to help women and men live the best life possible! We use a comprehensive approach that starts with variety of key tests to measure and optimize your levels of sex, adrenal, thyroid and … [Read more...]
Allen Peters M.D.
In celebration of Men’s Health Week (the week before and ending on Father’s Day) the Cenegenics Nourishing Wellness Medical Center has some good news for men aged forty-plus. Studies show that men with low testosterone live shorter lives, but they … [Read more...]
Our 10 Best Fat Loss Habits
These 10 habits form the foundation of this program and that of most of our staff. Doc Peters follows these, as do Ryan, Brighid and Jeanne. So let's review these 10 habits for now. 1) Eat every 3-4 hours. Are you doing this – no matter what? Now, … [Read more...]