Every year in our Fresh Start Detox program, I teach some basic recipes that can help people detox naturally using food. This is one of the easiest basic recipe you can use all year long. Pesto is a great way to sneak in lots of parsley and cilantro … [Read more...]
Five Essential Remedies To Take When you FIRST Feel Sick
The flu season may be starting early this year in So Cal. We’ve had 3 clients ask us for ideas for how to beat their flu infections and 3-4 clients call us for ideas a week after they got the flu. To help be more proactive this season , we want to … [Read more...]
How We Support Women’s Health Issues
Jeanne and Dr. Allen Peters talk about how Nourishing Wellness Medical Center support women's health issues like PMS, peri-menopausal symptoms, and hormonal imbalance. Birth control pills and anti-depressants are not necessarily the appropriate … [Read more...]
How Big Pharma Influences Medical Studies, Your Doctor and You!
The recent misleading article about niacin in last weeks news ( July 16, 2014) is just another in a series of articles citing studies which allegedly document problems with supplements and bio-identical hormones. Within the last two … [Read more...]
Low Estrogen Levels Can Lead to Premature Death & Benefits of Bio-identical Estrogen
Yes, you read that right! If you are a women living with fears about taking bio-identical estrogen replacement therapy ...listen up! In fact, you men need to listen up,too!! This news impacts your wife or partner … [Read more...]